
Our Editorial Mission

To anticipate, meet, and exceed our visitors’ expectations and to bring order to the complex and changing world of miles and points.

Advertising Opportunities

The Frequent Flyer Network is the premier multi-media platform for the most influential road warriors and frequent flyers. Our discerning audience is driven by travel, technology, service, add-ons, and social media. The Frequent Flyer Network reaches these travelers through its unique curation efforts, credible platforms, authentic viewpoints, and is amplified by its unparalled social presence. 

Our audience understands a program’s umbrella of properties and is very interested in the unique bonus and promotional opportunities that each brand has to offer.


We offer traditional banner advertising on our travel websites.


Impressions are offered across our entire network, including specific regions and pages.

Ad-Blocker Free Advertising

We also offer unique ad-blocker free advertising locations such as:

  • Fly-ins
  • Tabs
  • Captcha registration
  • Sponsored threads
  • Glossary lookup

Placement Options

We offer several advertisement location options to choose from depending on your needs.

BoardingArea Newsletter

The BoardingArea newsletter is a weekly curated newsletter sent to opt-in subscribers.

  • Weekly Reach: 50,000+
  • Open Rate: 39%
  • Click Through Rate: 12%
  • Scheduled Weekly

Ad Placement Examples

Our network consists of numerous advertisement placement locations to choose from.


Our Network

Boarding compiles the best business travel blogs on the internet, all in one place.

TravelUpdate is supported by the BoardingArea network and is comprised of enthusiastic travelers from across the world.

InsideFlyer is the largest travel website with focus on loyalty programs, frequent travelers, and earning/redeeming points and miles.

Why Choose Frequent Flyer Services?

Since its launch in September 1995, the Frequent Flyer Network has established itself as the premier source of expert information on frequent traveler programs. The Frequent Flyer Services consists of highly regarded sites for frequent flyers and business travelers, which includes BoardingArea, InsideFlyer, SeatExpert, and WebFlyer. Together, these sites generate a significant amount of targeted traffic and have won numerous awards and accolades, including Forbes – “Best of the Web”, PC World’s – “100 Top Travel Web Sites”, and Selling Power Magazine designated InsideFlyer as one of its “Top 150 Sales Websites.”

For more information about our publications, or to reserve advertising space, contact the Advertising Department:



For more information on our advertising opportunities, please review our Media Kit